Radiological Protection Ordinance

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 26 April 2017 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 60 Dose constraints

1 For the pur­pose of op­tim­ising ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion, the li­cence hold­er, or in the case of air­crew the air­craft op­er­at­or, shall spe­cify dose con­straints for oc­cu­pa­tion­ally ex­posed per­sons.

2 The prin­ciple of op­tim­isa­tion is deemed to be sat­is­fied where activ­it­ies do not lead to an ef­fect­ive dose of more than 100 µSv per cal­en­dar year for oc­cu­pa­tion­ally ex­posed per­sons.

3 If a dose con­straint is ex­ceeded, the work­ing prac­tice must be re­viewed and ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion im­proved.

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