Radiological Protection Ordinance

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 26 April 2017 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 7 Dose constraints

1 For planned ex­pos­ure situ­ations, the dose re­ceived by a per­son from a single ra­di­ation source or activ­ity shall be spe­cified (dose con­straint). This dose con­straint shall be spe­cified for each ra­di­ation source in such a way that the sum of all doses re­ceived from the vari­ous ra­di­ation sources does not ex­ceed the dose lim­it.

2 The li­cence hold­er shall spe­cify the dose con­straints for the oc­cu­pa­tion­ally ex­posed per­sons with­in the en­ter­prise.

3 The li­cens­ing au­thor­ity (Art. 11) shall de­cide wheth­er source-re­lated dose con­straints are re­quired for the pub­lic and shall spe­cify these in the li­cence. If this has not been done in the case of activ­it­ies already li­censed, the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity (Art. 184) may spe­cify source-re­lated dose con­straints.

4 Dose con­straints are op­tim­isa­tion in­stru­ments. When de­fin­ing dose con­straints, the cur­rent state of sci­ence and tech­no­logy must be taken in­to ac­count.

5 If a dose con­straint is ex­ceeded, meas­ures must be taken.

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