on Copyright and Related Rights
(Copyright Ordinance, CopO)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 26 April 1993 (Status as of 1 January 2018)

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Art. 17

1 The per­mit­ted use of a com­puter pro­gram in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 12 para­graph 2 CopA in­cludes:

the use of the pro­gram in ac­cord­ance with its in­ten­ded pur­pose in­clud­ing load­ing, dis­play­ing, run­ning, trans­mit­ting or stor­ing the pro­gram as well as pro­du­cing a copy of the work as re­quired for car­ry­ing out these activ­it­ies by the law­ful ac­quirer;
ob­serving, study­ing or test­ing the func­tion­ing of the pro­gram for the pur­pose of de­term­in­ing the ideas and prin­ciples un­der­ly­ing a pro­gram ele­ment when this is done in the con­text of per­form­ing acts of use of the pro­gram in ac­cord­ance with its in­ten­ded pur­pose.

2 Ne­ces­sary in­form­a­tion on in­ter­faces un­der Art­icle 21 para­graph 1 CopA is in­form­a­tion which is es­sen­tial for es­tab­lish­ing the in­ter­op­er­ab­il­ity of an in­de­pend­ently de­veloped pro­gram with oth­er pro­grams and which is not read­ily ac­cess­ible to users of the pro­gram.

3 Un­reas­on­able pre­ju­dice of the nor­mal ex­ploit­a­tion of the pro­gram with­in the mean­ing of Art­icle 21 para­graph 2 CopA oc­curs in par­tic­u­lar when the in­ter­face in­form­a­tion ob­tained by de­cod­ing is used to de­vel­op, pro­duce or com­mer­cial­ise a pro­gram that is ex­pressed in a largely sim­il­ar form.

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