Federal Act
on the Protection of the Environment
(Environmental Protection Act, EPA)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 7 October 1983 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 61 Contraventions

1 Li­able to a fine not ex­ceed­ing 20,000 francs is any per­son who wil­fully:161

fails to com­ply with the lim­it­a­tions of emis­sions stip­u­lated in this Act (Art. 12 and 34 para. 1);
fails to com­ply with re­medi­ation or­ders (Art. 16 and 32c para. 1);
fails to carry out of­fi­cially ordered sound­proof­ing meas­ures (Art. 19–25);
provides false or in­com­plete in­form­a­tion or in­struc­tions (Art. 27);
handles sub­stances with no ac­com­pa­ny­ing in­form­a­tion or in­struc­tions in such a man­ner that they, their de­riv­at­ives or waste may present a danger to the en­vir­on­ment or in­dir­ectly en­danger people (Art. 28);
burns waste il­leg­ally out­side in­stall­a­tions (Art. 30c para. 2);
de­pos­its waste out­side au­thor­ised land­fills (Art. 30e para. 1);
in­fringes the re­port­ing du­ties in con­nec­tion with waste (Art. 30fpara. 4, 30g para. 2, 32b para. 2 and 3);
in­fringes the reg­u­la­tions on waste (Art. 30a let. a and c, 30b, 30c para. 3, 30d, 30h para. 1, 32abis, 32b para. 4 and 32e para. 1–4);
in­fringes the reg­u­la­tions on the move­ment of oth­er forms of waste (Art. 30gpara. 1);
fails to guar­an­tee cov­er­age of the costs of clos­ure, after-care and re­medi­ation of a land­fill (Art. 32b para. 1);
in­fringes the reg­u­la­tions on phys­ic­al im­pacts on and the use of the soil (Art. 33 para. 2 and 34 para. 1 and 2) or on meas­ures to re­duce the soil pol­lu­tion (Art. 34 para. 3);
in­fringes reg­u­la­tions on the trace­ab­il­ity of tim­ber and wood products and raw ma­ter­i­als and products spe­cified by the Fed­er­al Coun­cil pur­su­ant to Art­icle 35epara­graph 3 and for which a doc­u­ment­a­tion re­quire­ment has been im­posed (Art. 35g para. 1);
in­fringes the reg­u­la­tions on pla­cing series-pro­duced in­stall­a­tions163 on the mar­ket (Art. 40);
re­fuses to provide in­form­a­tion to the com­pet­ent au­thor­ity or provides in­cor­rect in­form­a­tion (Art. 46);
in­fringes the reg­u­la­tions on provid­ing a guar­an­tee for li­ab­il­ity (Art. 59b).

2 If the of­fend­er acts neg­li­gently, the pen­alty is a fine.

3 At­tempts and com­pli­city are also of­fences.

161Amended by No II 1 of the FA of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3233; BBl 2009 5435).

162 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 27 Sept. 2019, in force since 1 Jan. 2022 (AS 2021 614; BBl 2019 1251).

163Pre­vi­ously: type ap­prov­al test­ing and la­belling

164Amended by No II 1 of the FA of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3233; BBl 2009 5435).

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