Art. 84a104
Cbis. Measures in the event of overindebtedness and insolvency 1 Where there are grounds for concern that the foundation is overindebted or will no longer be able to meet its obligations in the longer term, its board of trustees must draw up an interim balance sheet at liquidation values and submit it to the external auditors. If the foundation has no external auditors, the board of trustees must submit the interim balance sheet to the supervisory authority. 2 If the external auditors establish that the foundation is overindebted or will no longer be able to meet its obligations in the longer term, it must submit the interim balance sheet to the supervisory authority. 3 The supervisory authority shall direct the board of trustees to take the necessary measures. If it fails to do so, the supervisory authority takes such measures itself. 4 If necessary, the supervisory authority shall take legal enforcement measures; the provisions of company law on commencement or deferral of compulsory dissolution apply mutatis mutandis. 104 Inserted by No I of the FA of 8 Oct. 2004 (Law on Foundations), in force since 1 Jan. 2006 (AS 2005 4545; BBl 2003 81538191). BGE
143 V 219 (9C_612/2016, 9C_667/2016) from 16. Mai 2017
Regeste: Art. 56 Abs. 1 lit. b und c, Art. 65d Abs. 1 BVG; Art. 25 SFV; Zahlungsunfähigkeit des Versichertenkollektivs. Die Leistungspflicht des Sicherheitsfonds setzt kumulativ die Sanierungsunfähigkeit und die Zahlungsunfähigkeit des betroffenen Versichertenkollektivs voraus (E. 6). Für die Frage, zu welchem Zeitpunkt die Zahlungsfähigkeit einer (erst) sanierungsunfähigen Rentnerkasse vorzeitig beendet werden soll, kommt es auf die konkreten Gegebenheiten des Einzelfalls an (E. 7.2). |