Federal Act
on Financial Institutions
(Financial Institutions Act, FinIA)

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Art. 49 Group and conglomerate supervision

1 Two or more com­pan­ies are deemed to be a fin­an­cial group dom­in­ated by a se­cur­it­ies firm if:

at least one of them op­er­ates as a se­cur­it­ies firm;
they op­er­ate primar­ily in the fin­an­cial sec­tor; and
they form an eco­nom­ic unit or oth­er cir­cum­stances sug­gest that one or more of the com­pan­ies un­der in­di­vidu­al su­per­vi­sion is de jure or de facto ob­liged to provide as­sist­ance to group com­pan­ies.

2 A fin­an­cial con­glom­er­ate dom­in­ated by a se­cur­it­ies firm is a fin­an­cial group as defined in para­graph 1 op­er­at­ing primar­ily in the field of se­cur­it­ies trad­ing and com­pris­ing at least one in­sur­ance com­pany of con­sid­er­able eco­nom­ic sig­ni­fic­ance.

3 The pro­vi­sions of the BankA27 on fin­an­cial groups and fin­an­cial con­glom­er­ates ap­ply by ana­logy.

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